To be honest I feel like it flew by, and that I didn't get to do half the things I wanted to do. I guess my idea of what this summer would be was really different then what it actually was. In my mind I was going to be working 4 days a week, 9 to 5, and then on the weekends I would have time to go explore Sweden. I would go on weekend trips around the country and just experience Sweden. Instead I experienced the inside of a studio in Sweden. I worked almost 6 days a week every week, 9 till 5 or 6 or 7 or 8. With the reassurance that it would slow down soon, but it never did. But I know that I'm just bitter about it right now because I know I have to leave in 2 days with still so much I want to see and do. Yet the truth of the matter is this was one of the best summers! I'm so happy that I got this opportunity. The best part I think is the bragging rights Ill get because of this, I can make everyone jealous. Just kidding, just kidding, the best part was meeting some amazing people. I made such great friends here and that made this summer what it was. I also learned so much about myself, I had never spent so much time by myself. Its really odd when you don't have an sort of built in 'friend machine' like school, where you see the same people every day and there are a lot of people in your situation trying to make friends. Everyone here already had friends and a life, and I was the one looking for friends. So it involved a lot of putting myself out there. And a lot of doing things on my own if I couldn't find anyone to do it with me. And Im so happy that I was able to do that, in times when everyone I knew was busy I still got out and did things that I wanted to do because I wanted to do them. As far as the internship goes, Camilla's personality was something that took a lot of time getting used to, she doesn't beat around the bush, she was always honest. And I took it as though she hated me, I realize now that she didn't hate me. But she wanted me to grow. And boy did I. I have learned so much about myself and the person that I am and I had a lot of fun doing it. And I lived in Sweden! It is a beautiful country and it seems that people here are always asking why did you come to Sweden out of all place, but I am so happy that I chose Sweden. The city is really breathtaking and the weather is great. I got to travel some too, going to Venice, Paris and London for a little bit of time. I wish I had gotten to travel more but this summer was about my internship and I learned a lot from it. I will never forget all the good times I had this summer, and all the lessons I learned. All the laughs I had, made all the hard times and stress worth it. And seeing that collection walk down the runway made me realize that fashion is what I love and if I can work with people like I did this summer for the rest of my life I will be happy. I also lived with boys for the first time ever, which was an experience. Also living with completely random people, but they were all so friendly and all together great roommates. I don't know if I have anything else to say. I guess if you want me to write anything else let me know. :)
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