Thursday, August 4, 2011

I love my adventurous spirit

(Camilla doing a model fitting with a muslin)
(I just thought this bobbin looked cool with all the different thread colors)

Today today today. So here is what has been happening with me... for the past few days I havent been able to hear out of one of my ears. I read online that this could be because of excess ear wax, yes its gross. So I went to the pharmacy and bought this cleanser thing. Anyway I used it last night, 2 times and nothing. Feels the same. So I decide to go to the doctor today. But Camilla told me it was open till 10pm. I work all day, leave work around 6:30pm. I bring the bike, that Camilla gave me which she found abandoned on the street because it needed a new innertube, to the bike shop which is accross from the doctor. I drop it off and then go to the doctors office, nope its closed at 5pm, opens at 10am. I am not so happy because I just want my ear to come unclogged. But I see this beautiful glimpse of water and decided to follow it. Next thing I know I am in this park with people everywhere and a mini golf course, and then there is a beach and water and tons of people swimming.

And up a hill next to the water is a village of little houses which small perfectly manicured lawns. I walk along the water and sit with my feet in the water, which is actually not that cold.

Then I venture in among the houses.
Totally in love with the tininess of the houses. Wondering if I could ever live so small, as I see a family of 6 gathered outside of one eating dinner, the house has to be 20 ft by 15 ft at the biggest, smaller than my room in my apartment.

I took a ton of pictures and just wandered. I got myself a little lost but ended up at what has to be the highest point of Sodermalm, looking down on the water and the park I had started out in.

I sat there in the sun for a while and then realized I didnt really know where I was or how to get back so I should probably head back before it gets dark. I wandered down a path and another path following my gut and made it back to the park I started in and found a subway that would take me back. I got home and did some my laundry which was much needed.

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