Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Last few days of sewing.

The fashion show is on friday!!!!! That means this was our last week of sewing. To tell the truth, Ive gotten very comfortable at this internship with Diana and Camilla and Izabelle, its as though we are all family now because we spend so much time together. So this week has been full of lots of laughs, in part due to how much we have become ourselves and let go, and in part because we are all stressed and excited and tired. Its been fun though and we've gotten a lot done. Yesterday we didn't get out of the studio until 8:45pm and Camilla told us of this great thai place to go to, but it closed at 9pm so we needed to hurry. Diana hopped in the driver seat of the bike and I hopped on the back and we hurried over to the thai place just barely making it.

(We made it- thumbs up)

Got some peanut butter chicken and took it up to this park nearby with a lovely view of Stockholm.

We sat there and ate and talked and laughed. We talked about how amazing it is to become such good friends so quickly. I love Diana so much, we just get along so well and we have the same sense of humor. Its meeting people like her that makes this experience so great. It started to get cold and Diana had to get home so we went back and went to bed, ready for our last day of sewing.

The last day to finish the collection... can we make it?

(Camilla fell asleep on the floor halfway through the day)

(We decided to take a nap too)

Today we spent all day finishing the final pieces of the collection. It was just a whole day of sewing once again. But we did pretty well. All in all it looks like there will be about 30 looks, and we sewed them all. Its crazy.

(things like this are what happens when you have worked all summer and the show is 2 days away... we get crazy)

But tomorrow we are having our model fitting, so we will be styling the looks and putting them on models. Im so excited for the show. I cant wait. This is when all of our work pays off and we get to see it all come together. :)

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